Sunday, November 21, 2010

boys boys boys

     Hello!   Ever heard the saying  "_____ can't live with them, can't live without them."  Tonight, I am filling in that blank with the work boys.   I have to start off by saying that personally, I do not have loads of experience in the guy department.   I've never had a boyfriend, or been on a date.  (Actually I get nervous even when I just think about dates.)   But what I have experienced is the embarrassment and sting of guys when they make a jerk move.  Two guys come into mind when I think about this.
     The first and most recent is Aaron*, a friend since childhood.  He goes to my church.  He is nothing spectacular, just cute; and what I thought was an all-around nice guy.   Two nights ago I was chatting with him online, (i might have kinda-sorta liked him) and he was very conversational!    The first unusual thing he said was "yeah I was actually thinking about you at school today."  Of course I was flattered.  Later he said something funny and I commented "haha you just made my day."  He replied with "well you make my day everyday so I guess we're even."  I bet the first thing you are thinking is "wow is she ever gullible!"  Guess I was.  Turns out he was just joking around.  Boy, it was a funny joke. hahaha.
     Three weeks ago there was this big halloween party and I was thinking of going with a friend of mine.  The night before I was texting Kent* a friend from Math class.  He was going to the party also, he's like "are you coming wanna hook up.."  All this random stuff of how we could be a thing, "this would be the start of something good."   I thought he was kidding.  It turned out that I went to another party, but at 8 that night he texted to check that i was coming.  That night at 11, i go on Facebook and Kent is in a relationship.  With a girl that he called a slut not 24 hours before.  I felt humiliated.  It was almost as it he did it to spite me.
     Through these couple of incidents I have come to realize three things:

1.  Guys can be jerks.

2.  Guys can be assholes.

3.  And guys can be nice.

   Maybe the third is wishful thinking,  but by looking at the past I believe it is true.  I'll just have to wait my turn.  Boys will be boys.

*names have been changed to protect the identity of certain idiots


  1. Sorry for the bad experiences with boys you've had of late. :( Not fun. I guess that's the mess of dealing with people.. they're not perfect and hurt us. And I think perhaps we have different expectations of boys in our lives..
